Armadale-WA - Considerations For Western Australians For The 2022 Federal Election web page

This web page relates to considerations for Western Australians, relating to the 2022 Australian federal parliamentary election.

I intend to add to this page, as time proceeds, and, as new material arises.

In August 2021, the LNP/ALP election rigging cartel, in order to make the Australian feral parliament, even more of a closed shop autocracy, excluding the common people from standing for election to the parliament, and, thence, excluding the common people from being represented in the parliament, and, so as to increase the corruption that is the feral parliament, in the short period of two weeks, introduced and passed a bil, through both chambers of the parliament, raising the minimum number of registered members of a political party that does not have a representative who is a member of the parliament, from 500, to 1500. Of course, as part of the corruption, if a single member of the parliament, decides that the member wants to form a parliamentary political party, the minimum number of members, does not apply, so that member's party could consist of the member, the member's pet parrot, pet snake, and, pet spider.

And, some members of the parliament, are the sole members of the parliament, for parties which may or may not have the minimum number of registered members, that is required of political parties who do not have members in the parliament. A corrupt, closed shop, den of crooks.

Then, a month later, in September 2021, so as to prove the proverb "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely", the tyrannical dictator of Western Australia, Mark McGowan, of the ALP, took the somewhat corrupt method of selection of members of the upper chamber of the state parliament, and made the corruption, absolute, going from a system where the gerrymandering of the multi-member electorates, meant that in metropolitan electorates, the voters were shown to be valued at only one sixth of the voters in the non-metropolitan electorates, to a single electorate of the whole of the state, with an increased number of members of the upper chamber of the state parliament, thus, eliminating non-metropolitan voters from having any say in the selection of members of the upper chamber of the state parliament.With the corruption that is the Western Australian ALP state government, with its overwhelming majority in both chambers of the parliament, what is conspicuous here, making the corruption absolute, is that, as usual, the people affected by the corruption, had no say in the changes. We are never allowed to decide the method of selection of the members of the parliaments, making the parliament, even more corrupt. The proposed changes could have, and, should have, been decided, not by the corrupt members of the government, but, by a series of binding referenda of the voters of the state.

The first referendum should have put the question "Should the state Legislative Council be abolished?", and, if the majority response to that question, would be "Yes", then, the Legislative Council should be abolished.

If the majority vote in answering that question, would be "No", then a second binding referendum, should put the question "Should the Legislative Council consist of single member electorates?", and, if the majority vote in answer to that question, is "Yes", then legislation should be implemented, making the Legislative Council consist of half as many members as the lower chamber of the state parliament, with one member per electorate, and, each upper chamber electorate, consisting of two lower chamber electorates, with the number of voters in each electorate, being as equal as possible.

If the answer to the second referendum question, would be "No", then six, six member, electorates should be created for the state, for the upper chamber, with each electorate having as equal number of voters, as possible.

But, instead of democracy, or, a step closer to democracy, we got even more corruption, from a government which has shown its corruption, to be absolute.

But, that is not surprising, with the ALP being part of the LNP/ALP cartel of election rigging and general corruption.

And then, having decided thst the autocratic tyranny that is the WA state ALP government, had done enough corrupting for the month of September 2021, the state government took a month off corrupting, and then resumed the corrupting in November 2021, by launching a campaign of corrupting local government in the state of Western Australia; as always, done without the voters being allowed to make the decisions involved.

The cartel does not allow the people to decide how we will be governed, or, how the members of the three levels of government will be selected. After all, if we, the people, would be allowed to make such decisions (as should be done), then, the corruption would probably be eliminated, and, the cartel would lose its corrupt control.

And, the cartel can not allow the people to be represented in government, or, to have a say in government.

Otherwise, the cartel would lose its control over us, and, the single party autocracy that the cartel imposes upon us, would end.

"The system removes the threat of anyone exercising their independent will."

And, it should be remembered, that the cartel, when Gillard was the prime minister, and, ever since then, determined that anyone living in Australia, apart from the ruling class, is sub-human, and, therefore, Australia and everyone living in it, is not entitled to human rights,

And, on 16 February 2022, two days after the implementation of the Western Australian ALP state government's attack on household rooftop photovoltaic systems, whereby the state government will force households with rooftop photovoltaic systems, to use electricity generated by burning fossil fuels, by remotely shutting down the household rooftop photovoltaic systems -

"From February 14, Western Australian authorities will have the power to switch off rooftop solar panels"

Infinite Energy, the largest retailer of household rooftop photovoltaic systems, in Western Australia, and, the fourth largest in Australia, announced that it is shutting down.

"We are working with industry to build a healthy services sector and to promote Perth as a global oil and gas hub, similar to Houston and Aberdeen, which is the mandate of the McGowan Government’s LNG Jobs Taskforce"
-WA Minister for Mines and Petroleum, and Energy Bill Johnston

The ALP has succeeded in its war against the use of clean energy.

The fossil fuel companies are getting the benefit of the money that they have paid to the ALP.

And, we have the terrorist threat made by the WA ALP state premier to shut down the electricty supply to WA, in an attampt to intimnidate the state Supreme Court, in a teempt to make the court make a judgement favouring unlawful approval of new and expanded fossil fue extraction, which is fanatically supported bvy the ALP;

"Western Australian Premier Mark McGowan says his government could intervene if a conservationist-led Supreme Court action against oil and gas company Woodside has adverse findings for the state.
The Supreme Court challenge, set to be heard in December, would see the Conservation Council of WA (CCWA) seek to overturn environmental approvals provided to Woodside's $16.5 billion Scarborough project, which includes expanding its Pluto plant on the peninsula in WA's north.

Mr McGowan said while he would let next month's court action run its course, he would not let it affect industries if the environment approval was found to be invalid.
The Scarborough project has been labelled Australia's biggest new fossil fuel investment in nearly a decade and is expected to emit millions of tonnes of greenhouse gas annually.

Its "scope three" emissions, which come from when customers burn the gas, are expected to equal 866.5 million tonnes over Scarborough's expected field life, according to Woodside. ... Mr McGowan said on Tuesday he would take legal advice on what to do, but said it was possible his government could step in.
... "we're going to close down all the industry in the state and turn off the lights and not have any jobs"
(if the Supreme Court find that state government approval of the project, is unlawful)

And, then, there is this...

" Woodside will press ahead with the biggest oil and gas development to be built in Australia in a decade, after sanctioning its $16.5 billion Scarborough project off Western Australia.

In a move that has enraged green groups, Woodside announced it had approved the Scarborough development and the associated upgrade of its Pluto liquefied natural gas facility near Karratha, 1,600km north of Perth.

The decision comes despite a furious, last-ditch bid by environmentalists to stymie the project after the Conservation Council of WA last week launched legal action, claiming the project required assessment under federal law.

That decision also coincided with news that the boards of Woodside and BHP had agreed to merge their petroleum businesses in a $40 billion deal, which will create one of the world's biggest fossil fuel players.


in its official development proposal, Woodside revealed the total carbon emissions for the project, including the Scope 3 emissions, which take into account customer emissions, were forecast to be 880 million tonnes.

BHP - a filthy australian.

And, the ALP - a subsidiary of the fossil fuel companies conglomerate , like the ALP's parent company - the LNP - what more needs to be said?

So, what can we do about this LNP/ALP election rigging and general corruption cartel?

Vote against any political party that voted for these changes mentioned above, and, for any party that currently has a member in the parliament, and, any member of the parliament who is a member of a political partyy, and, any candidate for any political party that is represented in the feral parliament.

Find an alternative political party, that represents most closely, YOUR interests.

In Western Australia, view the web page at

and, wherever you are, view the web pages at

and find whether their policies suit you, and, whether they have candidates, for each of your lower house and upper house, electorates - if they don't have named candidates, contact them, and, ask whether they will have candidates for your lower and upper house electorates.

And, remember, put first, someone who is likely to represent YOUR interests, if elected, instead of representing the cartel. Put the cartel people, last.

And, remember, in increasingly punishing users of clean enery in Western Australia, a major policy of the ALP, as part of the LNP/ALP cartel, is to make WA a fossil fuel hub of the world.

Do you really want to increase the harm to the world, and, to Australia and the people of Australia, by increasingly increasing the extraction and burning of fossil fuels?

If not, vote against the LNP/ALP cartel.

As some people say, the most successful crooks in Australia, become members of parliaments, and, the most successful crook, and, highest level of crook, in Australia, is the prime minister.

This web page is authorised and published by Bret Busby, 2 Pelham Street, Armadale.

I can be contacted by email by clicking on the link at Bret

This web page was last updated on 16 February 2022.